Computer Vision Syndrome

If your vision gets blurry or your eyes feel strained after sitting in front of a screen or using your phone, you may be suffering from computer vision syndrome.

If left untreated, computer vision syndrome can lead to vision and health problems like headaches, dry eyes, neck pain, light sensitivity, and dizziness.

According to the American Optometric Association, people who use digital screens at least seven hours a day develop some form of computer vision syndrome. Makes sense, because we rely on our desktops, laptops, tablets and phones not only for work but also for everyday engagements. Staring at these screens can affect the way your eyes focus and communicate with your brain.

The modern workplace has evolved to incorporate more screen based environments and so has the modern education system. Both workers and students from college all the way down to elementary school have experienced life changing relief with the Neurolens Therapy.

Common Symptoms:



Headaches can be avoided if you need prescription eyewear specifically designed for prolonged screen viewing.

Eye Strain:

Our eyes constantly move around and refocus when we read, type, or watch videosĀ on a digital screen, causing eye muscles to work overtime. This can lead to strained, tired eyes.


Dry Eyes:

Studies show we often blink less when using a computer, which reduces the distribution of moisturizing tears across the surface of our eyes. This can result in itching, burning, and eye fatigue.

Blurred Vision:

Eye strain, dry eyes, and bright screen glare can blur your vision, making it hard to make out what's on the screen. This, in turn, makes your eyes work even harder to focus.

Neck & Shoulder Pain:

If you sit for long periods of time or if your computer screen is positioned too high or too low, it can be easy to develop bad posture.